I have always had a passion for creating.  Whether with food, music, paint, or hot glue .  I spend the majority of my waking day being imaginative .  Realizing I had a number of outlets, I decided that being a "chef" just wasn't enough.  I wanted to be a full blown creator.  Using my mediums my goal is to spread happiness and love to as many people as I can.  Whether I make someone smile with a painting, a song, or just a funny comment, my goal is to leave this world a better place than I found it.

In November of 2019 I was in a motorcycle accident that changed everything.  I was banged up pretty bad.  It took multiple surgeries, and the better part of the following year of rehabilitating before I could move back to my home in Lutz.  It felt as if I experienced a lifetimes worth of living between the accident and now.     My entire world was changing.  Meditation, Hypnotherapy and watching To Shin-Do classes via zoom became a huge part of my waking day. A lot has happened since the accident.  But one thing held true, if I was getting to be creative, I was happy.  So that's what I spend my day doing.  

I've been keeping busy primarily while writing my first book.    It's about meditation and getting in touch with the Moment.  It's called,
F*** This:  Find Your Breath  
Also with writing words, I have also been writing with music.  I will be putting out a guided meditation CD with special guest appearances by my most influential meditation practitioners.  My love for music doesn't stop there.  I also created my new band and project,
Accelerated Gravity  
The name is based on a theory I came up with for generating powerful strikes within a short distance (thing the one in punch).   I like to say "It's not about speed.  It's about being heavy".  The inspiration for the first album is solely based on my experiences with the accident, my recovery and lessons learned though meditation.  I am always exploring various ways of spreading a message of love, calm, and relaxation through breath.  Although Accelerated Gravity's music may not come across as such, the intention is there.    

I do all this with the help of my best guy Spoons.  Spoons came into my life as a foster.  He and I bonded very quickly, within 6 hours of bringing him home I knew I would be adopting him.  By far the best decision I've ever made.  

Stick around, there's going to be a lot of cool stuff coming from Kreative Studios in the near future.

Contact me to order, or to drop Spoons a "hello"


Let's create something memorable